Hello! I am Lisa
I use my intuitive skills to help anyone address current issues-uncertainty, pain, change of life direction, relationships, boundaries, feeling satisfied, to name a few topics. I listen deeply, following the lead of your body (and whole being) to bring insight, resonance and ease. You will find me to be a guide, witness, cheerleader and coach all rolled into one to address your needs (even if you don’t fully understand what you seek). When working with me, I sense colors, images, words, symbols, and sensations-all specific to you!
As a curious spiritual seeker, I have been fascinated by the unseen world my whole life. In my 20’s I started exploring–I traveled extensively-immersing myself in cultures, beliefs, perceptions; consulting a plethora of healers, readers, alternative practitioners; reading countless books and taking informative classes (astrology, tarot, etc.) –all in the search for deeper meaning and understanding of myself and the larger world. On each step of the journey amazing things happened and I learned tools that taught me to turn inward and listen to my inner voice–to trust my own intuition. It is my passion to share my intuitive talents to empower you to be the most vibrant version of you.